Toutes les photos c’est ici
Album: Irkutsk and our first day at the lake Baikal, Photogallery
- Wooden houses and soviet heritages in Irkutsk
- Our hosts in Irkutsk
- First « magic » day on the shore of the lake Baikal
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Album: Krasnoyarsk, cold temperatures and warm people
- Outside picnic by minus 30
- Siberian people treating us as the greatest guests
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Album: Siberian people and us in Siberia!
- ‘Les Tontons Flingueurs en Siberie’
- Our frozen faces
- Crosscountry skiing
- Hike in the snow
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Album: Siberian Mountains – Where Nature is so wonderful!
- Snow… and blue sky!
- Peaks and mountains
- Trekking
- Crosscountry skiing
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Album: Siberian Mountains – Welcome to Monsieur Chevalier’s
- Crossing the Tom river onto a raft
- Touring the mountains on snow bikes
- Luzhba, and its mountains… Monsieur Chevalier’s kingdom
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Album: 24 hours in Novokuznetzk
- The Father Pavel
-Views of Novokuznetzk
- Russian hospitality!
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Album: Kemerovo, a short detour for a new great friend!
- Kemerovo and its mining industry
- Soviet style Kemerovo
- Our friend, The Father Evgueniy
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Album: Tomsk, already in Siberia
- Wooden houses
- Soviet heritage
- KGBZH in action
- Our flatmates in Tomsk
- Yogui like a hippy
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Album: Tobolsk: a quick stop
- Tobolsk and its Kremlim
- Concerts in Tobolsk
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Album: The Yekaterinburg show… unexpected and great!
- Yogui’s birthday party
- Bolchoy Ural hotel
- Crepes party
- Yekaterinburg city… few pics ;-)
- The Europe-Asia border
- Our hosts and friends
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Album: Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurtia
- Kalasknikov Museum
- Views of Izhevsk
- Party with the Babushkin family
- Touring the Udmurt intellegentsia
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Album: Visiting Porozovo and Sharkan, central Udmurtia
- Views from snowy Porozovo
- With Svetie’s family
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Album: Dancing with the Babushky in Udmurtia – Syries
- VIP guests at the ball in Syries
- « Udmurt Olympic Games » at the ball
- Partying with locals
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Album: Our friends from Syries
- Our conference at school
- Yogui and his first russian bannia experience
- Portraits of our Udmurt friends
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Album: Syries, a muddy small village in Udmurtia… with nice people
- Views and atmosphere of the village, Syries in South Udmurtia
- Touring the village on horse towed cart
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From now our new photos are hosted on Picasa.
We met a lot of interesting people in the Tatar capital...
21 images
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The capital of Tatarstan, a very charming city
22 images
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The Father Sergey, our work at the nunnery, people...
26 images
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Red Square, Lenin mausoleum and Kremlin... And all that kind of things you've seen already thousands of time!
28 images
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From Russian lesson in the train to pancakes party in Dnipropetrovsk
7 images
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Moi qui suis fraichement tout à l’ouest (brestois depuis peu), j’ai hâte de voir vos premières photos de périple. Bon voyage à vous ! et une spéciale dédicace à Yogui le fennec, embrasse le sol mongole pour moi.
Great pictures, great people at them….mmm, wish i could be there! Next time then, huh? ;)
Bon voyage!
Привет России :)
Un petit Bonjour à Mon pote Guillaume dit Boula Wah Rabateur
c’est parti pour ton Magnifique Périple vers le grand Est…..
Je te souhaite bcp d’aventure……amuse toi bien….a bientôt
N’hésite pas à donner des news
Je te suis sur ton site
Hello! ce site est trop bien! un vrai globe trotter, c’est super de te suivre.
gros bisous, de moi, florent et notre futur bout de chou! un garçon, mais on n’a pas encore choisi le prénom
On pictures in Kazan you are still ‘akkuratnuy’s :-))))!
Salut, enormes vos photos, toutes celles avec le gwenn ha du iraient bien sur ce site :