A website in English to follow our adventures!

As you might have noticed it, the blog has more frequent updates in French than in English :-) But don’t worry, it is going to change very soon since we were asked to publish our travel notes for an English speaking internet website.

Otherwise, our trip is going on very well…. After a great week spent in Dnipropetrovsk (we were permanently busy with meeting friends always ready to celebrate the fact that I came back ‘home’) we are now in Moscow. We spent a few days living in one of the orthodox monasteries of the Russian capital. A great and unique experience! We participated actively to the daily tasks, getting to know with a lot of unusual people, recalling us some characters of a book written by Balzac! More details on line soon!
Apart from that, I rediscover life in the East! Among the best thing, life in the long distance trains, when you get disconnected to time and the outside life. Chatting about everything without taboos with your fellow-travelers while having together a beer with some dry fish – here is the platzkart way of life! To be continued!


UPDATE: Here is the link to our adventures, on ‘Open it! Ukraine’…. Enjoy!



Il était une fois |
souvenirs de vacances |
un ptit voyage en Inde |
Unblog.fr | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | U.C. Berkeley
| Paris apartment